Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Seven Reasons to Start Your Own Profitable Business in 2010

Starting a business of your own, can open a world of opportunities and options. A close look at successful entrepreneur indicates that majority of them run their own business which brings in a residual income stream. Below are some of the reasons why you need to start your own business this year:

Imagine how it would feel to get up at your own sweet time and not hurry to office in the regular chaos of snarling traffic. And then, to begin the day as though you are fresh from home and nothing has happened. You are your own boss, and you determine when to resume and when to close.

Extra Income has not hurt anyone up to now, and it should not be hurting you either. If you are willing top do that extra bit of work or travel that extra mile for your boss, I am sure you will be more than willing to do so for yourself, especially if you feel that it would improve the quality of life of you and your family.

Multiple stream of Income does not come for free. It involves hard work! It is not hard work when you are doing what you are passionate about. The benefits of creating a multiple income stream far outweigh the risk and stress involved.

I consider it foolish working hard daily, only to be paid peanuts as salary on a monthly basis. Just check the following benefits accruing to every business owner:

1. Work at your own pace
The monotony of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm is completely eliminated. You have the advantage of been your own time keeper. Flexibility enables the average entrepreneur to perform at the optimum.

2. Flexibility to do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it
Working for others can reduce you to a human robot, because your suggestions many sometimes be discarded at the expense of management policy and decisions.

3.Confidence and Fulfillment
Having your own business makes you more of a complete person who can proudly say that he/ she is an entrepreneur who has achieved something.

4. Limitations of earning do not exist
You can earn as much as you want by just putting more effort and the risk of financial failure is ultimately eliminated

5. Job security and fear of unemployment becomes history
The fear of been sacked ranks as the number one fear among employees. This fear can become a major obstacle to achieving the goal of having your own business.

6.You retire when you feel like not when you become old and weak
I once had a boss who after retiring from service became useless to himself and family. This was someone who had put in 35 years of meritorious service to the company and here he was living in a dirty apartment owned by the company. He did not have a home of his own, and to make matter worse, he did not have a business of his own. That was the day I decided to opt for a business of my own and end the rat race of paid employment.

7. You will be your own boss with no one looking over your shoulder
The joy and freedom to take crucial decision that will ultimately shape your business can be exciting and at the same time challenging. It is however a motivational factor as an entrepreneur.

Success is very much achievable to everybody. Believe that and you have taken the first step on your way to starting your own business in 2010.  Do a thorough analysis of the above points before making a decision on whether your have the drive and guts to face the turbulent and risky world of entrepreneurship

Remember, you can never achieve real wealth, working for someone else!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Clement_Sadjere

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